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AD Reflect Tabs image.jpg
Capture d’écran, le 2020-12-02 à 22.14.58.png


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REFLECT Guitar Tabs (pdf and Guitar Pro formats)

PLEASE NOTE: These tabs are for the solo versions of the songs. For example, TRIAD tabs are for the solo version from Convergences album, not for the separate parts of this new version. Here’s the listing:

1- TRIAD (To Run in a Dream original version tabs)

2- Reality (Standard Guitar Tabs)

3- Talk

4- 1979

5- Mother (Original solo version tabs)

6- These Moments (feat. V. Larkins) (Only AD’s solo part) BONUS! NOW THE DUET VERSION OF TABS IS INCLUDED!

7- Catching the Light (feat. D. Ross) (Only AD’s solo part)

8- Glimmer of Hope (feat. D. Bérard) (Only AD’s solo part)

9- A Hiding Place for the Moon (feat. T.G. Hall & V. Larkins) (Only AD’s solo part)

10- Spiritual Battlefield Groove (feat. D. Robert) (Only AD’s solo part)

11- En t’attendant

12- You & I (harp Guitar tabs)